Increasing Foreign Market Share
Delivering the American B2B Market to Foreign Manufacturers

Every successful marketing firm finds its niche. In the case of Muir Marketing Solutions that niche became assisting foreign manufacturers seeking growth in America. The USA has long been the world’s largest, most stable B2B market and knowledgeable foreign manufacturers discover that more than 50% of their potential sales are to be found here.
Delivering Foreign B2B Markets to American Manufacturers

A natural extension of Muir’s work for foreign manufacturers is supporting American manufacturers seeking global expansion. California based RCM Digesters was America’s oldest agricultural biogas technology provider. They converted organic waste into electricity, natural gas, heat, soil amendment and animal bedding.

MMS has “Americanized” the sales and marketing of: Interspiro Breathing Apparatus, Trelleborg Hazmat Suits and Monark Exercise Bicycles (Sweden), Rollgliss Roping Systems, Giovanola Roller Coasters, Collamat/Stralfors and EcoLine Labeling Machines (Switzerland), Savox Wireless Communication and Protek Safety Gloves (Finland), PlanET Biogas (Germany), Bristol Uniform and Morganite Melting Systems (England), Gallet Helmets (France), Haagen Training Machines (The Netherlands), Viking Safety Uniforms (Denmark) and Aurigma Printing Software (Russia).

For three years MMS acted as RCM’s international sales force with farmers and developers in Sweden, Greece, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Guam, New Guinea, China and elsewhere.