Linz, Austria

One of four tanks digesting the manure of more than 26.000 cows in Idaho to produce renewable natural gas.
Biogest offers above ground, steel digesters sized for smaller as well as large farms.
124 kW system sized to maximize retention time and as a result, energy production.

Agricultural Digesters LLC communicates with many international technology providers in order to find the best “fit” for each of its farm clients. That said, the incredible surge in large scale (3,500 milking cows plus) renewable natural gas (RNG) biogas projects has overtaken manufacturers with a significant North American presence, such as our friends at PlanET. It has reached the point where they and others are not able to work sell and service farms smaller than 3,500 which are of course, the vast majority.

Biogest GmbH of Austria has been highly successful internationally having built over 200 farm biogas systems of all sizes. They are newer to the American market and have the capacity to attentively service smaller American farms including medium size dairies (200-700 milking). In addition, they are able to customize tank size to herd size which maximizes retention time and kW production. This was not possible with a “one size fits all approach”.

In certain regions of the USA, Agricultural Digesters LLC will team with Biogest to market and exclusively sell, and develop if desired, custom size digester projects for more traditionally sized farms (e.g. under 3,500 cows).